Information Technology Procurement

Effective Oct 1, 2023, ITPALS has transferred to the VT Procurement Department.
For Student Related Technology Requests and Information, click here
Effective Feb 7, 2025, Cobblestone has been replaced with a ServiceNow Software Search Tool.
Procedures for IT Procurement (Following the transition of ITPALS to VT Procurement)
- Step 1: Determine if your IT related purchase qualifies for the Low Risk Low Cost Expedited Acquisition Program. Click here for more information.
- Step 2: All other types of IT related purchases will start with a HokieMart requisition being submitted in HokieMart. If your purchase is for a new, web-hosted software requiring a software review, please use account code 12755 or 12756 and the requisition will route automatically to VT Procurement Buyers who will then be in contact with you within two business days to assist with the purchase.
- Step 3: If you are unsure about buying technology, reach out to VT Procurement at,, or 540-231-6221.
Helpful Information:
- All IT related HokieMart requisitions should be coded to one of these expenditure account codes:
12221 Electronic Subscriptions
12740 Computer Hardware Maintenance Services
12750 Software Maintenance Services
12755 Cloud Plug In Application Services
12756 Cloud Infrastructure/Platform Services
12760 Computer Operating Services VITA
12770 Computer Operating Services (Non-State)
12780 VITA Information Technology Infrastructure Services
12781 Allocated Computing Charges
12790 Computer Software Development Services
12791 Personal Software
12792 Server Software
13730 Computer Operating Suppliers
13731 Workstation Supplies
13732 Personal Software
13733 Server Software
13743 Education Programs Notebooks
1373R Recruiting Software
15210 Computer Capital Leases
15220 Central Processor Capital Leases
15230 Computer Software Capital Leases
15310 Computer Rentals (non mainframe)
15320 Computer Processor Rentals
15330 Computer Software Rentals
22110 Desktop Client Computers
22125 Mobile Client Computers
22140 Mainframe Computers and Components
22150 Servers
22160 Network Components
22170 Other Computer Equipment
22180 Computer Software Purchases
22181 Personal Computer Software
22182 Server Software
22190 Development Tools Purchases
Click here to learn more about low risk, low cost software purchase program
How do I submit a purchase request for low-risk, low-cost software (under ≤$10,000)?
- First, be sure to check with The Software Service Center to determine if the software you wish to purchase is available for purchase from the VT Software Service Center.
- The department wishing to purchase software or an IT service must assess if the planned procurement meets all requirements for a low-risk, low-cost purchase as specified above. Consultation with Procurement IT Buyers is available via email to, but not required.
- The planned procurement must be registered through the ServiceNow Low-Risk, Low-Cost Software Review process. The Department Head must approve the plan to indicate that the procurement meets all requirements for low-risk procurement, agree to all terms and conditions for the software and/or IT service, and acknowledge that there will not be other reviews of the software, IT service or associated terms and conditions. The requestor and the department head/approver cannot be the same person. Reports of software and IT service procured will be subject to spot checks.
- The procurement may then be completed using HokieMart, via a purchasing card (P-Card), or through an online “click-through” agreement if a payment is not required. Normal rules and cost limits for HokieMart or P-Card procurements apply.
- University Policy 3015 - Signature Authority & Legal Review
- University Policy 3220 - Direct Payment Procedures
- University Policy 3260 - Prompt Payment Policy
- University Policy 1030 - Social Media Policy
- Commonwealth of Virginia Procurement Manual for Institutions of Higher Education and their Vendors
- To Access the ServiceNow Software Search Tool click here
- Data Security Addendum
- Higher Education Cloud Vendor Assessment Tool (Full)
- One-Time Emergency Request For Continued Right To Use Software - (To attach to the HokieMart Requisition)
- Sole Source/Proprietary Procurement Request
- Click here to learn more about our supplier opportunity program